Conference rooms „FORUM HOLZBAU“ in Ostfildern
The FORUM HOLZBAU is a multi functional building with office accommodation for the staff of different associations and organisations as well as an event and conference section.
Variable rooms for events and conferences are available for the performance of your events with a wide range of different requirements.
There are three conference rooms of which the two bigger ones are separable allowing up to five training courses or conference events to take place at the same time. The southern end of the entrance floor accomodates a bright dining room that offers a lovely view over the adjacent rural landscape.
PDF Flyer (german)
For further enquiries please contact:
Ms Ariane Köstlin
Berufsförderverein des Baden Württenbergischen
Zimmerer- und Holzbaugewerbes e.V.
Hellmuth-Hirth-Straße 7
73760 Ostfildern
Tel +49(0)711 23 99 6-53
Fax +49(0)711 23 99 6-60