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People in the Labour Market

From 2009 to 2014 we have organised various projects with our partners from Ireland and Great Britain. Each project shows a different target group and content of teaching.
The content of the two week programmes is based around an interactive learning experience which mixes traditional training, practical experience and site visits/exposure to construction companies in a dynamic way.
In 2014 the European funding for PLM ended and no further programmes were possible under this scheme.

BSSC (Building Skills for Sustainable Construction)

Partner: CITB-CS North IreIand; Great Britain

This course is developed for architects and engineers. It contains lectures about planning of modernisation/retrofitting, retrofitting of brick walls, ventilation systems and windows and doors. Also site visits are done, like in all other PLM programmes, to see construction details first hand on a building site and in the workshop of a prefabricated house manufacturer.

REMSOB (Retrofitting Multi Storey Buildings)

Partner: Limerick Institute of Technology, Campus Thurles, Ireland

This course was developed for architects and engineers. It contains lectures about sound insulation, retrofit with timber frame walls, 3D Laser scanning, hybrid buildings and adding a storey to existing buildings. The basic information of REMSOB is similar to the PHASE programme as are the site visits and practical demonstrations.

CESBEM (Competence Enhancement in Sustainable Building Through European Mobility)

Partner: Limerick Institute of Technology, Campus Thurles, Ireland

Main topic of this program is energy saving timber constructions in general. This course was developed for carpenters interested in sustainable constructions. It conveys information about building physics, insulation materials and air tightness to understand the basics of well working constructions. This course does not only rely on theoretical teachings, but also demonstrates examples of constructions and lets participants build models in our workshops.

PHASE (Passive Housing and Sustainable Energy Technology using timber frame)

Partner: 2014: Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Ireland
2011 – 2013: Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland

Passive housing techniques are the main topics of this course, which is aimed mainly at architects and engineers. Basic information like building physics, insulation materials and air tightness are covered in this course as well but in a shorter period of time. Additionally topics like Energy Collectors, PH construction details and an introduction to PHPP are also part of the course. Participants of this course will build advanced models in our workshops.

This course is approved for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) by several professional bodies in Ireland.

 Read a short report by participant Darragh McKiernan